The Days
It's days like these when I really regret not having enough money to buy a tricked out digital camera. Everyone has cool pictures of New York City snowed over, glistening, rolling in the whiteness of the snow drifts - except for me. The urban landscape is amazing right now. But I can't record it.
It's surreal. I feel like I live in Russia...or the Ukraine. (I live on the edge of a Ukrainian neighborhood by the way...go figure.)
Anyway - NY* is treating me all right. I'm still slightly stunned by the number of small-town, small-minded, weird people I seem to run into though...even though this school is distinctively diverse and "city." There were these two fuckers sitting behind me today in my film lecture who started debating the merits of "The Green Mile," refering to Michael Clarke Duncan's character as "the magical negro." And two days ago...some weed-head, bean-pole white boy from the boondocks said to me "maybe it was the milkman," when my geneology came up AGAIN in yet another UNNECESSARY conversation. WTF.
I'm kind of sick of the dumb shit. It's all been said and done before. I'm disappointed by the fact that people are still unable to grasp simple biological concepts and don't know when to keep quiet or keep their ignorance to themselves. People are just straight up rude. They talk stupid, without thinking. I'm not surprised by it anymore...but O am I disappointed.
Current reading list:
Plato - the Republic
Four Plays by Aristophanes
Civilization and its Discontents by Freud
Kierkegaard - one big-ass book
3 big-ass books about Disney (the "evil entertainment conglomerate" + Walt)
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
Saint Augustine's Confessions.
And there's a lot more where that came from.
It's surreal. I feel like I live in Russia...or the Ukraine. (I live on the edge of a Ukrainian neighborhood by the way...go figure.)
Anyway - NY* is treating me all right. I'm still slightly stunned by the number of small-town, small-minded, weird people I seem to run into though...even though this school is distinctively diverse and "city." There were these two fuckers sitting behind me today in my film lecture who started debating the merits of "The Green Mile," refering to Michael Clarke Duncan's character as "the magical negro." And two days ago...some weed-head, bean-pole white boy from the boondocks said to me "maybe it was the milkman," when my geneology came up AGAIN in yet another UNNECESSARY conversation. WTF.
I'm kind of sick of the dumb shit. It's all been said and done before. I'm disappointed by the fact that people are still unable to grasp simple biological concepts and don't know when to keep quiet or keep their ignorance to themselves. People are just straight up rude. They talk stupid, without thinking. I'm not surprised by it anymore...but O am I disappointed.
Current reading list:
Plato - the Republic
Four Plays by Aristophanes
Civilization and its Discontents by Freud
Kierkegaard - one big-ass book
3 big-ass books about Disney (the "evil entertainment conglomerate" + Walt)
The New Oxford Annotated Bible
Saint Augustine's Confessions.
And there's a lot more where that came from.
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