Happy Lessons
I just completed my theatre course. We had our last class today - our final showcase of the scenes we had been working on. And now...release. After you've done it, struggled, forced your way through it, done what's necessary to nail your part and you finish - you end up missing it. It's over. There's nothing like the end of a show and there's nothing else out there like performing. Like acting. It is a genuine art. It's demanding and maddening and so worthwhile. It blows my mind.
I came out of the theatre arts center and I couldn't stop smiling. And at the same time I felt a great loss. I love it. I love my acting instructor. I can't believe I've been able to have people like that in my life - even superficially. I loved every second of the class and I'm going to keep going with it, if and when I can.
Thank you Laurence Drozd.
I came out of the theatre arts center and I couldn't stop smiling. And at the same time I felt a great loss. I love it. I love my acting instructor. I can't believe I've been able to have people like that in my life - even superficially. I loved every second of the class and I'm going to keep going with it, if and when I can.
Thank you Laurence Drozd.
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