Extremely Perishable

Just like the Titanic, my virginity and acid-wash jeans.

Tuesdays Never Were Any Good

It was a strange-ass day. That's all that can really be said.

As usual it was raining piss this morning and the sky was gray. I walked down the theatre arts building with the talkative, just-a-little-too-cheery-for-her-own-good friend. On the way there, I caught sight of two girls whom I kicked to the curb last year (touchy subject which I don't want to talk about). I almost missed them because I was kinda looking at my feet as we were moving along and my friend was talking, and it was lightly raining and, well- I was trying to shield myself from the noise and the world assaulting my senses...know what I mean. But I'm walking and I eventually see them when they're right up on me. Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-bitch. They obviously saw me long before I saw them and awkwardly averted their eyes at the last moment. It was funny. I don't see them much anymore. Good for all three of us.

About an hour ago, downstairs, in the blackbox there was a group of people rehearsing the most painful rendition of Oedipus Rex that I have ever witnessed. I'm so lucky to be in an acting course with students who are so talented. I'd hate to be among these guys. (I guess this is why they made us audition to get in - to weed out the unaccomplished.) Acting isn't easy but I feel personally insulted, for some reason, when I see people fucking up a good play. They were messing with Oedipus! It was dull, dull, dull, dull. These kids were speaking their lines like robots. Nobody had any character - I mean that in a literal sense. They didn't invest anything in the lines. They just blurted them out, prettily.

Sophocles isn't pretty. People make the same mistake with Shakespeare. The story is about a man whose parents leave him on a mountain to die, he grows up, has sex with his own mother, murders his father and then plucks his own eyes out of their sockets. It's not a pretty play. It deserves actors who can mine the darkness. Yet, as I stopped there and watched these kids with their pretty acting all I could do was squirm. They were messing up Sophocles, damnit! It just made me mad. I can't help it. I walked away gritting my teeth and shaking my head. It's been a long day and there's nothing to inspire me.

Today was, of course, voting day and I was ready to go...all except for the fact that they didn't send me my absentee ballot. I went to the polling place anyway thinking that they might be able to give me a provisional ballot or something like that. I mean - that makes sense to me. That way, I don't get deprived because of a shitty system.

The woman there said I couldn't vote. Period.

Obviously this pissed me off and it's pissing me off even more now because, after getting home, I heard them say on the news that people whose ballots didn't come in the mail were able to vote through other emergency means - provisional ballots. O...and the other thing that pisses me off is that Bush is ahead.

It's typical though, that the people here manning the polls don't know what the fuck they're doing. None of them could've given me the right information because this place is so out of the loop.

This brings to my thrice-weekly affirmation - I gotta get out of this place.

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