Running on an Empty Stomach
I saw her again, yesterday. Her: flawless. Me: starstruck. (I am so weird. Who freaks over blogger sightings?)
I'm also coming to the end of my 3 day fast for GIF. I cannot wait to get started on more impacting GIF stuff. I've tried contacting kids at the New York school who I know are interested in working on the Darfur situation too. The other thing I cannot wait for: the chance to eat something. Anything. Having said that, fasting has been easier than I had previously anticipated, but I do feel the effects of it - less energy etc., and I'm a girl who loves her food.
I have plans for a Friday night get-together with the best friend at Ruby Foo's Midtown and there will most definitely be pieces chocolate cake devoured. That's what Fridays are all about, right?
I'm also coming to the end of my 3 day fast for GIF. I cannot wait to get started on more impacting GIF stuff. I've tried contacting kids at the New York school who I know are interested in working on the Darfur situation too. The other thing I cannot wait for: the chance to eat something. Anything. Having said that, fasting has been easier than I had previously anticipated, but I do feel the effects of it - less energy etc., and I'm a girl who loves her food.
I have plans for a Friday night get-together with the best friend at Ruby Foo's Midtown and there will most definitely be pieces chocolate cake devoured. That's what Fridays are all about, right?
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