Keenyah Take a Hint?
McDonald's is a place for people from all climbs - many different walks of life. It is the epicenter of the popular universe. In McDonald's life is as uncomplicated and fat saturated as the dollar menu, and nobody, not the businessman, not the tattoo artist from Brooklyn, not the coked up New York School kid, minds. We're all the same. But one species of human that you should never expect to be parking her bony behind in there, chowing down on some extra crispy fries, is the bona fide supermodel. God bless Keenyah Hill though, cause that ain't her.
The girl that anyone who watched cycle four of America's Next Top Model loves to hate was in McDonalds, not ten minutes ago. I could indeed go into the contents of her meal but what's the point? As Tyra's show indicated, time and time again, the model-in-training loves some fried food. One week, Tyra's panel of modeling "experts" told Miss Hill, in no uncertain terms, that she was getting a little porky. Okay ... a lot porky, but that's Janice Dickinson talking, not me.
Today, however, it seemed that Keenyah was more in the mood for posing than stuffing her pretty face. She must've stayed in the restaurant for about two minutes. That's 90 seconds of waiting for someone to recognize her and 30 seconds of smiling meekly while two women snapped her photo on a digital camera. Thank God I didn't have mine with me, else I might've been swayed too. Incidentally, I heard those two women gossiping. They said something along the lines of:
"She looked better on TV."
"It's because of the airbrushing."
Long story short - I said hi to the girl on her way out.
"Excuse me, you're a model, right?"
"From TV, right?"
"America's Next Top Model?"
"Are you still working?"
"Good job."
GOOD GOD WOMAN! EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY! I've never seen someone that verbally challenged. Then again, maybe being coy is part of a model's job; Don't say too much in public because they might find out what a bitch you are.
Well, I guess we'll never know. Keenyah Hill is somewhere in New York, lugging a suitcase around, blue baseball cap pulled low, weave flying in the wind.
The girl that anyone who watched cycle four of America's Next Top Model loves to hate was in McDonalds, not ten minutes ago. I could indeed go into the contents of her meal but what's the point? As Tyra's show indicated, time and time again, the model-in-training loves some fried food. One week, Tyra's panel of modeling "experts" told Miss Hill, in no uncertain terms, that she was getting a little porky. Okay ... a lot porky, but that's Janice Dickinson talking, not me.
Today, however, it seemed that Keenyah was more in the mood for posing than stuffing her pretty face. She must've stayed in the restaurant for about two minutes. That's 90 seconds of waiting for someone to recognize her and 30 seconds of smiling meekly while two women snapped her photo on a digital camera. Thank God I didn't have mine with me, else I might've been swayed too. Incidentally, I heard those two women gossiping. They said something along the lines of:
"She looked better on TV."
"It's because of the airbrushing."
Long story short - I said hi to the girl on her way out.
"Excuse me, you're a model, right?"
"From TV, right?"
"America's Next Top Model?"
"Are you still working?"
"Good job."
GOOD GOD WOMAN! EXPAND YOUR VOCABULARY! I've never seen someone that verbally challenged. Then again, maybe being coy is part of a model's job; Don't say too much in public because they might find out what a bitch you are.
Well, I guess we'll never know. Keenyah Hill is somewhere in New York, lugging a suitcase around, blue baseball cap pulled low, weave flying in the wind.
3:47 PMYes, Keenya has a wonderful father, and a very extensive vocabulary, being a stranger in N.Y. she still must protect herself and she still needs to eat. Stardom does not come over night and she did not push anyone away. So you need to lighten on on the young lady.
Sister BjD
6:09 PM
She has a huge head. She is so full of herself & that is probably why her head is so huge. She is not pretty at all. There is a reason she never won on that show. Also, her personality is bad
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