Those Games We Play
This could've been about my food issues. You could've read all about how I've spent the past 3 days stuffing my face with cheese cake and burritos and how that pisses me off. But as I was writing that one ... I got distracted.
Now, I could be wrong but I get the feeling that one of my friends likes me, and by "likes me" I mean in more than a friendly way. I started to notice him acting strangely around me - looking at me or sometimes not looking at me, in general being more polite than he needs to be, when I'm around. Ya'll know what I'm talking about. So I'm in the middle of my rant about the food issue and then I start to hear lip smacking and sucking and shit.
The boy is outside MY door, straddling his GIRLFRIEND, making out with her. In plain fucking view.
"O no you did not."
I'm laughing because, if this is supposed to make me jealous, it's not working. True - I don't want to witness this, it's kind of pissing me off, but this is more because I can see through it and I know it's a ploy for my attention. In no way do I wanna hit that. Not my type. I like mine a little more thugged out.
I guess he started to become self-concious about his little stageshow cause I hear his girl asking him what's wrong and, seconds later, they move the party somewhere else. Good thing too, cause I was about to slam the door on them. Those games are meant for high school. If he would just talk to me and tell me what's up we could all relax.
Now, I could be wrong but I get the feeling that one of my friends likes me, and by "likes me" I mean in more than a friendly way. I started to notice him acting strangely around me - looking at me or sometimes not looking at me, in general being more polite than he needs to be, when I'm around. Ya'll know what I'm talking about. So I'm in the middle of my rant about the food issue and then I start to hear lip smacking and sucking and shit.
The boy is outside MY door, straddling his GIRLFRIEND, making out with her. In plain fucking view.
"O no you did not."
I'm laughing because, if this is supposed to make me jealous, it's not working. True - I don't want to witness this, it's kind of pissing me off, but this is more because I can see through it and I know it's a ploy for my attention. In no way do I wanna hit that. Not my type. I like mine a little more thugged out.
I guess he started to become self-concious about his little stageshow cause I hear his girl asking him what's wrong and, seconds later, they move the party somewhere else. Good thing too, cause I was about to slam the door on them. Those games are meant for high school. If he would just talk to me and tell me what's up we could all relax.
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