People Who Squat in Your Place
(And Other Stories.)
I didn't know how good I had it last year...being on the fourth floor. True - I disliked being in a double and I disliked living on a floor with zero traffic - but in hindsight the traffic part wasn't so bad. This year I get the same people knocking on my door everytime they pass it. (They pass it a lot.) These are the same people who say "I'm only coming in for one second" and then end up camping out in my room for 30 minutes. These are the same people who put their feet up on my desk and make themselves at home. One day I'll probably find bird squat on my mousepad, from the bottom of someones shoe.
Why is it that you just feel so stupid asking people to take their feet off your furniture? I feel stupid doing it, which is largely why the activity has not stopped. I just feel people should already know these things, so I'm usually taken aback at having to school people when they break the rules.
And I know these rules are stupid...but it's my damn room.
For me it's always been the case that you can fart deliberately and anonymously anywhere, but not the place where I rest my head. That's just the way I roll. And I try to return the favor.
The one time when I seriously disrespected someone else's crib was when I went to my best friend's house, in England and she threw a party and I had too much to drink. In the morning I woke up and spent a good 2 hours cleaning the puke from the living room carpet. I also puked on the throw blanket she gave me, which was one of her favorites. Yeah. Damn.
I'm usually good on the respect front tho.
I didn't know how good I had it last year...being on the fourth floor. True - I disliked being in a double and I disliked living on a floor with zero traffic - but in hindsight the traffic part wasn't so bad. This year I get the same people knocking on my door everytime they pass it. (They pass it a lot.) These are the same people who say "I'm only coming in for one second" and then end up camping out in my room for 30 minutes. These are the same people who put their feet up on my desk and make themselves at home. One day I'll probably find bird squat on my mousepad, from the bottom of someones shoe.
Why is it that you just feel so stupid asking people to take their feet off your furniture? I feel stupid doing it, which is largely why the activity has not stopped. I just feel people should already know these things, so I'm usually taken aback at having to school people when they break the rules.
And I know these rules are stupid...but it's my damn room.
For me it's always been the case that you can fart deliberately and anonymously anywhere, but not the place where I rest my head. That's just the way I roll. And I try to return the favor.
The one time when I seriously disrespected someone else's crib was when I went to my best friend's house, in England and she threw a party and I had too much to drink. In the morning I woke up and spent a good 2 hours cleaning the puke from the living room carpet. I also puked on the throw blanket she gave me, which was one of her favorites. Yeah. Damn.
I'm usually good on the respect front tho.
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