Contextual Observations
For real, I don't like that my room is so dark right now. The light bulb on my bedside blew a few days ago. I don't like that.
Great. The freshmen are running loose. And raging...
That may be the only bad thing about living on North Campus still. The freshmen are so...freshman-y. This is an off-the-top-of-my-head euphemism for "painfully innocent." "Innocent" is a bad word. This doesn't mean that I somehow don't know that there are slutty girls and macho, sadistic male fuckheads in the class of '08. I know them. I see them everywhere, we're discussing them here - what I mean to say is that they have no self-awareness. The sluts don't know that they're sluts and if they do, they can't put it in context. And of course, it's not just the sluts. This is true for a whole range of archetypes. There goes that judgement thing again.
I would say something about the boys, but I don't feel the need.
Put it in context.
I may be calmer this year, but I'm also meaner - less likely to let your bullshit slide. Isn't that interesting. I've noticed myself being less "patient," quietly shocking some people I live with. I only know that they were shocked because they told me.
But of course they did it in a joking way to camoflage a real accusation.
Great. The freshmen are running loose. And raging...
That may be the only bad thing about living on North Campus still. The freshmen are so...freshman-y. This is an off-the-top-of-my-head euphemism for "painfully innocent." "Innocent" is a bad word. This doesn't mean that I somehow don't know that there are slutty girls and macho, sadistic male fuckheads in the class of '08. I know them. I see them everywhere, we're discussing them here - what I mean to say is that they have no self-awareness. The sluts don't know that they're sluts and if they do, they can't put it in context. And of course, it's not just the sluts. This is true for a whole range of archetypes. There goes that judgement thing again.
I would say something about the boys, but I don't feel the need.
Put it in context.
I may be calmer this year, but I'm also meaner - less likely to let your bullshit slide. Isn't that interesting. I've noticed myself being less "patient," quietly shocking some people I live with. I only know that they were shocked because they told me.
But of course they did it in a joking way to camoflage a real accusation.
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